About Bubcloud

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hey @Zzbaivong,

how can i install Bubcloud in my forum About Bubcloud 1f61e
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You can, it's free and open source, hosted on Github. But, temporarily only Vietnamese language support.
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Thank you @Zzbaivong

should i install it from dist folder ?

if you need me translate any thing into Arabic Language only mention me

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how can i install it @Zzbaivong
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omarpop23 wrote:how can i install it @Zzbaivong
Hello friend,
You can install this theme at: https://github.com/baivong/bubcloud/tree/master/dist
Or you can wait until the updated guidance by @Zzbaivong  About Bubcloud 1f600
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I'm waiting Forumotion fix this: http://help.forumotion.com/t148626-loss-of-content-when-using-emoji
You can download and install Bubcloud from: https://github.com/baivong/bubcloud/releases

https://devs.forumvi.com/t81-tuts-thong-ke-bai-viet-5-cot?showpost=p447#buoc-4 (Only follow step 4)
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